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The Problems Since 1967 Are Israel's Fault

June 30, 2024

By Andrew Weitzen

When Israel conquered Judea, Samaria, and Gaza, Israel had the responsibility for policing those territories.

Anywhere in the world, if a country fails to police their territory, cartels, criminals, gangs, terrorists, and warlords will take over. This would happen in the United States any place where the police are not viligant.

The historian Hannah Arendt in her book Revolution wrote that no revolution was ever brought about by an uprising of the people. Revolution only happens with organized revolutionaries when there is a weak government.

Israel was weak in Judea, Samaria, and Gaza. Israel did not want to do what needed to be done. Israel was unwilling to impose Israeli secular law on Judea, Samaria, and Gaza. Israel turned over the job of policing Judea, Samaria, and Gaza to the worst criminals. Israel condemned the people of Judea, Samaria, and Gaza to being terrorized. This was shameful. Israel acting cowardly.

If you conquer a territory, you must police the territory. You cannot let criminals gain a foothold. You must impose the law of your country on that territory. You must not tolerate any bad behavior. You must provide for the safety of all law abiding people. You must be strong. Everyone, your citizens and the people in the conquered territory, will be thankful.

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