A Cautionary Tale of Caregiving

Law Enforcement

June 7, 2024

By Andrew Weitzen

There is no political, diplomatic, nor military solution to the problem Israel faces with the Arabs in Judea, Samaria, and Gaza. The reason is because the problem is not a political, diplomatic, nor military problem. The problem is a law enforcement problem.

Anywhere in the world, if you do not provide law and order, criminals will take over. This is what has happened in Judea, Samaria, and Gaza. When Israel took control of these areas, Israel's responsibility was to provide law and order. Israel neglected to do so. Israel turned these areas over to criminals. The criminals have been terrorizing their own populations every since.

San Salvador provides the model. San Salvador, being run by drug gangs, was once the worst place in Latin America. San Salvador elected Nayib Bukele as President. He locked up all the gangs. San Salvador is now the safest place in Latin America.

Israel needs to follow San Salvador's example. First, Israel needs to disarm the population. Israel needs to pass a law that requires people in these areas to turn in all their weapons. Anyone retaining their weapons will go to jail and be deported.

Where will Israel deport these people to? Easy, to Spain, Ireland, Norway, and the Maldives. Since these countries have recognized Palestine as a state, these countries will have to accept the deportees because, in the eyes of these states, the deportees are asylum seekers, not criminals.

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