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The Least Deserving People of a a State

June 6, 2024

By Andrew Weitzen

Of all the people on the planet, the Afkaps are the least deserving of a state.

For those Arabs in Judea, Samaria, and Gaza that do not want to live under Israeli rule, these Arabs already have 55 Muslim countries, 22 Arab countries, an area of 8 million square miles in which to live.

If you consider creating countries the size of Gaza, and you are going to give the Afkaps a state in Israel, then you should be giving the Islamic extremists throughout Europe states of their own in each European country. The Islamic extremists of Canada and the United States are also equally deserving of states as the Afkaps.

You do not get your own country because you want one. You should not get your own country because you terrorize people. There are hundreds of people around the planet more deserving of a country than these Arabs.

First are the Tibetans. How is the world not decrying China's takeover of Tibet?

In the breaking up of the Ottoman empire, how did the Arabs get 22 countries and no one, other than Jews, get one? Where are the countries for the Assyrians, Chaldeans, Copts, Kurds, Zorastrians, etc.

Every minority in every Muslim is deserving of their own country. In the 55 Muslim countries, carve out states for whatever Christians are left. I would say to carve out states for the Jews too, but next to no Jews remain in Muslim countries.

In the Americas, Africa, and the Artic, every native tribe is more deserving of their own country than the Afkaps.

Take any set of people that want to rule their own land and carve out a state for them in their current country. If you are going to create countries for all people that might want one, offer countries to the French Canadians, the Mormons of Utah, the Quakers of Pennsylvania, the Southern Baptists, the religious Jews of Muncie, and so on.

The people most resembling the Afkaps are the drug dealing warlords around the world. They would love their own countries. If you give a country to the Afkaps, you are not giving a free country to the people. You are giving a country to some corrupt regime that terrorizes their citizens.

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