A Cautionary Tale of Caregiving

One State Solution for Israel

February 14, 2024

By Andrew Weitzen

Israel needs to buy Gaza, Judea, and Samaria.

Israelis are afraid to say what needs to be done. Israel needs to annex Gaza, Judea, and Samaria.

Israel needs to remove all weapons, enforce Israeli secular law, and run the school systems. Israel needs to prevent the abuse of women and children in the Muslim population. Israel needs to make teaching hate a crime. Israel needs to monitor the mosques.

Israel needs to allow Christians and Jews to buy land in these areas. Nazareth and Bethlehem will become Christian-majority cities. Jews will return to the Jewish towns throughout Judea and Samaria. This will take time.

The Arabs known as Palestinians (Akaps) can stay where they are if they like, but under Israeli law, not Sharia law. Those that do not like that, can move.

Israel, along with the rest of the world, should provide financial incentives for the Arabs to move. There is plenty of money available. That money would be better spent helping people to voluntarily relocate than to fund their terror.

As to a two state solution, the Palestine Mandate has already been divided into two. There already is a Palestinian state. That state is Jordan.

As to the Akaps having voting rights in Israel, no. They can have resident passports. They can have municipal voting rights in their towns.

After some period of peace, say twenty to forty years, some of those who stay, who have good behavior, and who are willing to take an oath of loyalty to support Israel as the homeland of the Jewish people, can apply for a process towards citizenship, like first getting a green card in the US.

As to the accusations of apartheid, my answer would be, so what? When the world is free, when Jews, Christians, women, gays, atheists, and everyone else have equal rights in 22 Arab and 55 Muslim countries, and when people are free in communist countries and dictatorships, then we can worry about accusations of apartheid in Israel.

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